The word of God is a word of power because God is a God of power so then His spoken word also bears that power. When we think of the account of creation in Genesis, we see God speak the worlds into being, a revelation that the writer to Hebrews reminds us of when he speaks of faith (Hebrews 11v3). As we read through the good news messages (Gospel accounts) about Jesus’ life on this earth we see God’s delegated authority, Jesus declaring “all authority has been given to Me” (Matthew 28v18). Again, as we look at the accounts of Jesus life, we see not only verbal affirmation but demonstration, Jesus didn’t claim to have authority, He demonstrated it with works of power. We read of Jesus healing the sick, causing the lame to walk, the blind to see, commanding demonic forces to leave those in captivity (deliverance). Just as the very word declares, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed;” Luke 4v18
So, we don’t just read about theoretical power we are told that God and Jesus demonstrate power by their works of righteousness. In doing good and doing right they exercise power to accomplish their purpose. What is their purpose, to demonstrate God’s glory, to help lost humanity to demonstrate the love that God has for us all. It is important to see why God shows His glory, to understand the motive and purpose for such divine demonstrations of power. When we understand what it is that God seeks to achieve, the very purpose of the Christ, we are able to see the reason that Jesus empowers His church. It is clear from scripture that Jesus requires His church to continue the work, to do the works that the Father also sent Him to do (John 14v12). When we speak, declare, proclaim God’s word it has no less power because it is God’s word! As believers we need to learn to have far greater confidence in this fact and recognise where the authority in the word is coming from. We also as His church need to come to a place of revelation, that we might recognise and understand the sovereignty of God. After all it is God whom we represent, it is Christ who has given us the command and His Spirit who empowers us to do the work He has sent us out into the world to do. Far too many Christians have yet to realise their God given calling and that those Christ calls to serve Him in daily mission He also empowers with delegated authority. We then are to continue as our Jesus Himself began, through works of love, compassion and power that Jesus is alive, and God is sovereign. Called, equipped and empowered by God’s word and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to find your confidence and faith and go do His work.