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Writer's pictureChristian Centre

The eternal journey

The eternal journey is one that many people are looking for in our modern-day society. We may try to make sense of this rapidly changing world with its constantly upgrading technology, globalisation and far more transient work / life existence. The challenge for so many seekers is that established church and traditional forms of organised religion have become the antithesis of modern values. If we take the time to have conversations with none-

believers they will tell you that often they pray, that they believe that there is a God but they cannot relate to church and see no need to attend a public service. We have a great challenge then in our generation to reshare the truth of the eternal message, God’s message of hope, love and salvation. To demonstrate rather than instruct to model rather than direct what it looks like to follow this eternal journey. After all it is shallow thinking indeed to consider this life as of great importance, Jesus Himself said “Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.” (John 12v25).

As the church has over time softened it’s position in order to become more and more attractional it has lost something of it’s core purpose and identity. I am all for making church a safe and friendly place for people to come and discover Jesus but we must never become a mere social club or welfare institution for the congregation members. The world does those things far better than the church could ever do. What is needed more than anything in our generation is authentic Holy Spirit anointed Christianity. Believers who are walking this eternal journey as they pass through this life, who have little concern for being entertained, who gather for spiritual fellowship instead. That was why Jesus sat with tax collectors and sinners, for their sakes not His. I long for our nation to see believers who offer to pray for the sick and they get healed, who pray for needs and receive miracles so that those around them might see the true eternal journey instead of so much of the plastic lip service Christianity that the world must so often endure. Where is the power and the anointing for the everyday believer? On the eternal journey there is genuine love and grace, authentic faith because to continue on that journey we must all come to the cross and leave our issues behind and the further we go the greater the surrender we must make. It is one thing to accept Jesus as our saviour, but a very different thing to walk the road to eternity with Him. It is time for a spiritual awakening, for the church to realise who we are and how we are meant to be. To demonstrate both the love of God and the power of His indwelling Spirit so the world has no doubt where the road to eternity is.

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